Kingdom Fit Ministries

Pray Together,

Grow Together

Apostolic Ministry Focused on Prayer, Worship, & Praise, Pulling You Out of Confusion & Pain

Get Closer to Your Higher Calling With Discipline


We’ve seen the transformation – people who came to us full of doubt and uncertainty become secure in the knowledge of their rightful place in God’s great kingdom. The change may start slowly – in a Bible Study or ministries of service (Foot Washing, Prayer Vigil, Corporate Fast, Men & Women Ministry, Conference) participation, perhaps – but once it begins, it picks up speed. The good work and shared experiences and time spent in worship, praise, and prayer – all bring us closer to our highest calling.

Take the first step toward personal renewal – join us for services this weekend!

Kingdom Fit Ministries
Kingdom Fit Ministries

Our Mission

Kingdom Fit Ministries (®) takes its inspiration from Matthew 28:19 (Commission) "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." Ezekiel 34:16 “I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed. . ."

Oh, how easy it is to get lost! With our cell phones and iPads, and our 24-hour news cycles, there’s virtually nowhere to go for a moment of peace and quiet.

That’s where Kingdom Fit Ministries (®) comes in. We provide a holy place of respite in the tumult of life. So come, put aside the cares of the week and find yourself in the presence of God.

Who We Are

Disciples, One Faith.

We are a diverse group of believers – social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, and parents – united by our shared faith in a loving God.

Kingdom Fit Ministries

Kingdom Harvest

Whoever SOWS sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously also REAPS generously.
(2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV)

Lessons For The Week

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